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Spanish-language Play “Family by the Name of Mood”

On April 23, on the day of the death of Cervantes and Shakespeare, eighth-graders studying Spanish presented the Spanish-language play “Family by the Name of Mood” in the Chamber Theatre. It was a story about the cherishes desire of a student to travel in the world of Spanish grammar, namely in three moods _ Indicative, Subjunctive, and Imper ative, and all ten related tenses.
The sole purpose of this project was to introduce students to the third foreign language in an exciting game form.
Commissioner for Affairs of the Kingdom of Spain, Markos Grandos Gomez, attended the show and highly rated the students’ performance.
Many thanks to the author of the idea of the project, the teacher of the Spanish language Marika Chhartishvili, and to excellent performers, our eight-graders, for their hard work and a wonderful evening.

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