B G S S c h o o l

Student conference – the Annual Result of Project-based Learning

Student conference – the Annual Result of Project-based Learning Throughout the school year, students of grades 7 and 8 actively participated in the development of projects in various disciplines. Following […]

BGS Houses Together for Kindness

  BGS Houses Together for Kindness On St. George’s Day, our school traditionally holds an annual charity exhibition and sale dedicated to the memory of our late student Nika Meskhi.This […]

The Last Bell

  The Last Bell On May 17th, the last bell rang at BGS for our 12th-graders12th-graders. Students from different grades prepared funny posters for them. Our graduates and their form […]

Everybody’s Favourite Play

  Everybody’s Favourite Play This year, the winners of the intellectual play “What? Where? And When?” proved to be the team of Iberians. We congratulate our clever thinkers on their […]

You Were Born in the Mountains of Georgia by the Grace of God!

  You Were Born in the Mountains of Georgia by the Grace of God! Our first-graders entertained us with a very important and cheerful activity “You were born in the […]